Sheet Metal Fabrication Services

Leveraging our sheet metal fabrication services to get durable and precise metal parts at fast turnaround time.

Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication Services at MOKO Technology

Málmsmíði er frádráttarferli sem myndar málmplötur í æskilega lögun með því að nota ýmsar framleiðsluaðferðir. MOKO veitir eina stöðva þjónustu við framleiðslu á málmplötum sem nær yfir leysiskurð, suðu, dufthúð, frágangur og samsetning, and other sheet metal manufacturing processes. From prototypes to assemblies to finishing options, MOKO always concentrates on every single detail and matter at each production stage, trying our best to provide customers with the best product at competitive prices.

Sheet Metal Fabrication Processes and Techniques


Sheet metal forming is a manufacturing process that aims to modify sheet metal into the desired shapes by applying forces to them. MOKO specializes in a wide array of sheet metal forming techniques such as Stamping, Beygja, Hemming, and Deep Drawing.


Sheet metal cutting is a process that would cut a part of materials to meet the design requirement of final products. MOKO Technology provides various sheet metal cutting techniques including Water Jet Cutting, Laserskurður, and Plasma Cutting.

Hæfni okkar

Cutting Tolerance:

± .00787í

Bend Angle Tolerance:

± 1.0°

Bend to Edge Tolerance:

+/- 0.020 í

Edge to Edge/Hole; Hole to

+/- 0.010 í

Sheet Thickness:

0.024- 0.250 í


Ál, Kopar, Brass, Ryðfrítt stál, Nickel Alloys, Titanium


Standard, Sand Blasting, Anodize, Powder Coat, Gullhúðun, Nickel Plating...

Af hverju að velja MOKO tækni

High Quality and Accuracy

Vottorð með ISO9001:2015, we check every step carefully to ensure the quality and precision of our sheet metal parts can reach the highest standard and exceed your expectations.

Excellent Manufacturing Capacity

MOKO specializes in fabricating all types of metal parts, frá einföldum til flókinna. And our sheet metal services range from design and prototyping to series production.

Sheet Metal Technical Expertise

Our team are experts at various metal processes with more than 10 years of experience and can build virtually any design or product a manufacturer or business could need.

Stuttur afgreiðslutími

Thanks to our streamlined process and cutting-edge manufacturing machines, we are able to deliver sheet metal parts to customers as fast as 3 virka daga.


Ready to Start Your Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication Project with MOKO Technology?

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