Þung kopar PCB

Drawing on our one-stop heavy copper PCB manufacturing services, MOKO provides the best heavy copper PCB at competitive prices.

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MOKO has a strict quality control system for each process, from incoming materials to finished products, we apply different inspection methods to ensure their high quality.

Lágur kostnaður

Rely on our stable supply chain, we can get premium components at lower costs, það sem meira er, our in-house PCB manufacturing and assembly allow us to control the costs well.

Víðtæk reynsla

Með um 16 margra ára reynslu í PCB framleiðslu, we are well-versed in all types of circuit boards, and we know the standards and regulations of different industries well.

Fljótleg afhending

We have efficient workflows that can speed up the turnaround time. Á meðan, við notum leiðandi og mjög sjálfvirkan búnað til framleiðslu, sem getur dregið verulega úr framleiðslutíma.

Benefits of Heavy Copper PCB

What Is Heavy Copper PCB

Þungur kopar PCB, also named thick-copper PCB, refers to a kind of circuit board that has a copper thickness of more than 2 oz, normally the range of its copper thickness is from 3oz to 14oz. The higher the copper thickness is, the higher the current the PCB can handle. This type of circuit board is manufactured by using special etching and plating methods such as differential etching and step plating. It can handle high current and high power circuits thanks to its great conductivity.

Applications of Heavy Copper PCB

Applications of Heavy Copper PCB

1.Aflgjafi, stjórn breytir
2. Suðuverkfæri eða búnaður
3. Bílaiðnaður
4. Solar board producers, og fleira…

Vottanir okkar

MOKO hefur fengið margar vottanir þar á meðal ISO9001:2015, ROHS, BSCI, IPC, og UL, sem sýnir skuldbindingu okkar til strangrar PCB gæðaeftirlits.

MOKO’s Heavy Copper PCB Capabilities

1-50 lag
PCB efni
FR-1, FR-2, FR-4, FR4 Halógenlaust, CEM-1, CEM-3, Há TG, Ál
Þykkt stjórnar
0.2mm til 7mm
Hámark. Lokið borð stærð
500 x 500 mm (20 x 20")
Mín. Boruð gatastærð
0.25mm (10þúsund)
Mín. Línubreidd
Minimum Line Spacing
Yfirborðsfrágangur / Meðferð
HÁLS / HÁLS blýlaust, Chemical Gold, Efnaform, Dýpt gull
Max.14 oz
Grænn / Svartur / Hvítt / Rauður / Blár / Gulur
PTH: ± 0,075, NTPH: ± 0,05

Our Heavy Copper PCBs

Heavy Copper PCB One
GSM Board Surface Mount Assembly
Heavy Copper PCB Two
Heavy Copper PCB Three
SMT loT Development Board

Want to Know How We Can Help With Your Next Heavy Copper PCBs Project?

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